Self-defense Tips

By Lori Buenavista

Most of us have to go into an alley at some point or another on our lives. For thousands and thousands, something as basic and seemingly harmless as taking off the garbage is a schedule pastime. What many don't take into consideration is how dangerous an alley can be. Having various self-defense strategies in mind could make a life or fatality a huge difference in case of an attack.

Here are several things to keep in mind right before taking that 1st step into the alley. Dress for safety. Do not wear any loosened garments that could provide a handle. Carry some self-defense wrench or Worden travel wrench. If your hair is long, put it up, tuck it up into a cap, or poke it down into the collar. Try not to overload your hands and arms. Try to do garbage duties during the daytime. Dark, secluded areas invite trouble. Hail someone with you, in cases where the need arises.

Sometimes just getting a pal can reduce troubles. Move quickly. Get in, take care of business, and get out as fast as possible. Locate an escape hatch. Get a big friend together with you and scout the area during daylight hours. Check around for alternate avenues should you have to leave in a rush and the main one is blocked. When you see danger getting close, especially whenever you are handling something with as little value as garbage bags, drop everything and beat feet. When you find yourself in a dangerous circumstance, here are some tactics you may be able to use to the advantage.

Whenever the attacker grabs you, bend his hands back. The pinky finger is not sufficiently strong to maintain much of a grip although hurts like crazy when you grab it and wrench it backward. When the bad guy corners you, hold the parcels in front of you to ward off an attack. Instead of slapping motions when attempting to repel an attack, use the heel of your own hand to strike up on the nasal area. An open palm slap to an uncovered ear can break an eardrum. Jab the eyes of the assailant with your own fingers or keys. Your legs are strong weapons. If he gets you down on the ground, try to keep your own feet and legs pointed toward him. Meaning you have to swivel around on the back, but a few practice sessions at home can help you determine tips on how to do it.

Whenever you are assaulted from behind, understand that pointy elbows thrust into the belly area can knock the wind out of the assailant. It merely takes a few pounds of force - in any direction - to break a knee. The knees are moving targets, but when you can land a relatively solid kick, he'll go down in agony. Get a Worden travel wrench just in case.

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